

This document is the record of all the changes in the Configuration API starting from version 3.0.

We use the 🛠️ emoji to mark bug fixes. We also specify the date of introducing the fix in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

The developer preview version provides a preview of the upcoming changes to the API. It's not open to public use. However, if you want to test some features, contact us at or ask on the chat, and we'll give you access.

[v3.6] - Developer preview



  • The X-Author-Id mechanism for bot authorization is no longer supported. The only way to authorize bots is by using bot authorization tokens.


  • The "At least one Agent must have the normal priority" requirement was removed from the Create Group method's agent_priorities parameter.


  • The Configuration webhooks now contain a new requester property. The property contains details of who triggered the webhook: user_id, client_id and account_id.


[v3.5] - 2022-11-23


  • There's a new type of request, batch requests. They allow for sending multiple calls of the same method in a single request.




  • Method List Group Properties has been replaced with List Groups Properties which allows to fetch properties for multiple groups at once.




  • The auto_access_added, auto_access_updated and auto_access_deleted pushes were replaced by the auto_accesses_updated push.


[v3.4] - 2021-12-22


  • Added support for the supervisor priority for the groups[].priority parameter. This applies to all v3.x versions of the Configuration API.


  • Added support for the supervisor priority for the groups[].priority parameter. This applies to all v3.x versions of the Configuration API.
  • 🛠️ (2022-04-04): Increased the maximum size of the groups[] parameter when adding or updating a bot.


  • Added support for the supervisor priority for the agent_priorities parameter. This applies to all v3.x versions of the Configuration API.



[v3.3] - 2021-03-30


  • In Create Agent, there's a new notification option, incoming_message_for_focused_chat.
  • The Get Agent method can no longer be used to fetch bots.
  • The List Agents method no longer returns bots, only agents.

Auto access


  • The Delete Bot method had the bot_agent_id parameter renamed to id.
  • The Get Bot method:
    • had the bot_agent_id parameter renamed to id.
    • had its response format changed; it's now unnested, without the redundant bot_agent level.
    • had the webhooks field removed from the response.
    • had a new parameter, fields, added. It allows to fetch additional bot data.
  • The List Bots method:
    • had its response format changed; it's now unnested, without the redundant bot_agent level.
    • had a new parameter, fields, added. It allows to fetch additional bot data.
  • The Create Bot method:
    • had a new parameter, timezone, added. It's required when used with work_scheduler; otherwise optional.
    • had a new parameter, owner_client_id, added. It's required when authorizing with PATs; otherwise ignored.
    • had the webhooks parameter removed. To register bot webhooks, use the Register Webhook method.
    • had its response format changed; bot_agent_id was rename to id.
  • The Update Bot method:
    • has a new parameter, timezone. It's required when used with work_scheduler; otherwise optional.
    • had the webhooks parameter removed. To register bot webhooks, use the Register Webhook method.



  • The List Webhook Names method was added.
  • The customer_created webhook was renamed to incoming_customer.
  • There are new webhooks:
  • Webhooks are now registered for a Client ID and need to be enabled for a specific License. It resulted in the following changes:
    • The Unregister Webhook method:
      • had the webhook_id parameter renamed to id.
      • had the required scope changed to webhooks.configuration:rw.
      • has a new mandatory parameter, owner_client_id.
    • The List Registered Webhooks method:
      • was renamed to List Webhooks.
      • had the required scope changed to webhooks.configuration:rw.
      • has a new mandatory parameter, owner_client_id.
      • 💡 You cannot list webhooks registered in older versions (v3.2 and below) with this method; first, you need to migrate them to v3.3.
    • The Register Webhook method:
      • had the webhook_id field in response renamed to id.
      • had the required scope changed to webhooks.configuration:rw.
      • has two new mandatory parameters: owner_client_id and type ("bot" or "license").
    • There are new methods for managing webhooks:
  • The chat_member_ids filter was replaced by the chat_presence filter.
  • There's new additional data, chat_presence_user_ids, available for the same webhooks that support the chat_properties additional data.

[v3.2] - 2020-06-18



  • The Create Bot Agent method was renamed to Create Bot.
  • The Create Bot method:
    • no longer accepts the status parameter. The initial value is now __offline__.
    • allows to set work_scheduler for Bots.
  • The Update Bot Agent method was renamed to Update Bot.
  • The Update Bot method:
    • no longer accepts the status parameter. To change the Bot's status, use Set Routing Status from the Agent Chat API.
    • allows to set work_scheduler for Bots.
  • You can now update another Bot within the same license. To do that, call the Update Bot method; requires the agents-bot--all:rw scope.
  • Other method renames include:




[v3.1] - 2019-09-17


  • The data field in webhooks was renamed to payload.
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